Third Act Thriving
The Pigeon Did It!

by Diana C. Pardee
How many times have we heard that the solution to a murder involved the butler? Maybe not in American mysteries, but definitely in British drama. Although, come to think of it I can't remember the last time I watched a "Midsummer Murders" episode when the butler actually did it. With 22 seasons, I'm sure I've forgotten or missed the butler-as-murderer episode. But, I digress...
One of the things that captured my imagination with the blog title 'Getting Traction' is its application in my mind to so many aspects of life. Business, creativity, longevity, fitness... I could go on. And today I'm thinking about the dangers of forgetting I'm no longer 40 when I decided to get back into fitness.
I bet you think you know what's coming...
One of the things that captured my imagination with the blog title 'Getting Traction' is its application in my mind to so many aspects of life. Business, creativity, longevity, fitness... I could go on. And today I'm thinking about the dangers of forgetting I'm no longer 40 when I decided to get back into fitness.
I bet you think you know what's coming...
A moment for self-care...

by Diana C. Pardee
It's Mother's Day soon... so I'm taking some time for self-care and revitalizing! More brilliant insights coming soon, after I breathe for a bit.
Thriving in our third act... turning on our light!

by Diana C. Pardee
Ever since I heard Jane Fonda's speech about making a difference in our third act of life (after 60 or so), I've been fascinated by the topic. I've spent the last 40+ years educating people about natural solutions to maintain optimal health and achieve a longer 'healthspan'...what's that you might ask?
Your 'healthspan' is different than your lifespan. It describes the years of aging while you are still active, productive, and healthy. It's important for me because I have no interest in spending my last decade as a semi-invalid. You probably don't intend to either, but for so many Americans, that is the result of years of the sad American diet, inactive lifestyle, and exposure to toxins. However... This post was not meant to be a lecture on preventive health strategies, but an encouragement to thrive in our third acts.
One of the favorite characters in my Poppy MacKenzie stories is Tia, Poppy's great Aunt Maureen. When I started writing her she was about my age. Now that it's taken me many years to finish Book One, she's still stuck in her late 60s, while I have advanced well past that. Add two years of pandemic living and I really started to feel my age, like many of you. But I can feel the changes coming...
Your 'healthspan' is different than your lifespan. It describes the years of aging while you are still active, productive, and healthy. It's important for me because I have no interest in spending my last decade as a semi-invalid. You probably don't intend to either, but for so many Americans, that is the result of years of the sad American diet, inactive lifestyle, and exposure to toxins. However... This post was not meant to be a lecture on preventive health strategies, but an encouragement to thrive in our third acts.
One of the favorite characters in my Poppy MacKenzie stories is Tia, Poppy's great Aunt Maureen. When I started writing her she was about my age. Now that it's taken me many years to finish Book One, she's still stuck in her late 60s, while I have advanced well past that. Add two years of pandemic living and I really started to feel my age, like many of you. But I can feel the changes coming...